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Logicasoft becomes Dynapps

Belgorail choisit LogicaSoft pour la gestion des inspections

Belgorail est un organisme d'inspection et de certification qui a été fondé en juin 2004 pour couvrir le besoin de certification volontaire et réglementaire dans le secteur ferroviaire.
Belgorail is an inspection, testing and certification company, part of the Certifer group since 2017, one of the world leaders in railway certification with a global presence in 10 countries.

Since its creation, Belgorail has sought to meet the requirements imposed on railway certification and inspection bodies, both nationally and internationally. These requirements are those applicable to notified bodies, approved bodies operating within a national framework and product inspection and certification bodies.

In this respect, Belgorail has an ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation for the requirements applicable to product certification bodies and an ISO/IEC 17020 accreditation for the requirements applicable to bodies carrying out inspections.

Belgorail's accreditation was granted by BELAC, the accreditation body operating under the responsibility of the Belgian State.

These accreditations, registered and described under the references 335-PROD and 335-INSP, were granted following several audits and an in-depth analysis of the company's mode of operation.

In accordance with the general provisions specific to certification bodies, our Board of Directors has set up a Certification Committee, an Advisory Committee and an Appeals Committee. These various committees ensure, among other things, the impartiality of Belgorail in its operations.

Since its creation, Belgorail has gradually expanded its activities to become :

a Notified Body (NoBo) in accordance with European Directive 2008/57/EC

an officially recognised body for the verification of conformity with the national technical rules notified in Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands (in European terminology, a "designated body"/DeBo)

a body responsible for the coordination and execution of rolling stock tests

a regulatory body in the railway sector

an Independent Safety Assessment Agency (ISA)

a risk management methods assessment body (AsBo) under the common safety methods regulations

a certification body for entities in charge of maintenance (ECM certification) and maintenance workshops

a voluntary verification body for all cases where a railway undertaking wishes to ensure the quality of a product, equipment or service and compliance with applicable standards

The company has also established various partnerships that have enabled it to expand its pool of inspectors and auditors and to extend the range of services offered.

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