In ISO/IEC 17025 : 2017, the norm specifies that the location of performance of the laboratory activities must be included in the report UNLESS the lab has valid reosons not to do so (something that a lot of labs and auditors forget to read...)
So, a lot of labs are now included this information for instance like this :
- chemical tests performed in room 123 of the lab
- microbiology performed in room 124 of the lab
According to me, this is not necessary as long as the lab has one specified "location" (building). Otherwise, why not including the bench location of the test on the report...
On the contrary, if you sen your samples to a lab with multiple locations (For instance, big organization, you send your sample to the lab in City A and the lab is sending your sample to a lab (same company/same certificate of accredition) in City B, then ok, I think the requirement must be fulfilled.
The requirement shall also be fulfilled in the cases explicitely specified in the norm.
So, what are your thoughts, does a lab with one building has to specify the location of the testing ?
ISO/IEC 17025 Location of the lab activities